生成模型(例如gan和扩散模型)以无监督的方式学习潜在的数据分布。但是,许多感兴趣的应用都需要从生成模型的输出空间的特定区域或在一系列特征范围内进行采样。为了允许在这些情况下进行有效的采样,我们提出了生成视觉提示(提示),这是一个通过合并任意现成模型的知识来对预训练的生成模型进行分配控制的框架。 Prestgen将控制定义为基于能量的模型(EBM),并通过使用可逆的神经网络近似EBM来以馈送方式进行示例图像,从而避免了推理时的优化。我们演示了提示如何使用各种出现的模型来控制多种生成模型(例如,stylegan2,stylenerf,styLenerf,bixfusion autocoder和nvae):(1)使用剪辑模型,提示可以通过文本引导的示例图像,(2)使用图像分类器,提示器可以在一组属性上脱离偏差的生成模型,并且(3)使用反图形模型,提示器可以在不同姿势中示例相同身份的图像。 (4)最后,Prestgen揭示了剪辑模型在用作控制时显示“报告偏差”,并且提示器可以以迭代方式进一步偏离此受控分布。我们的代码可在https://github.com/chenwu98/generative-visual-prompt上找到。
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Model compression and model defense for deep neural networks (DNNs) have been extensively and individually studied. Considering the co-importance of model compactness and robustness in practical applications, several prior works have explored to improve the adversarial robustness of the sparse neural networks. However, the structured sparse models obtained by the exiting works suffer severe performance degradation for both benign and robust accuracy, thereby causing a challenging dilemma between robustness and structuredness of the compact DNNs. To address this problem, in this paper, we propose CSTAR, an efficient solution that can simultaneously impose the low-rankness-based Compactness, high STructuredness and high Adversarial Robustness on the target DNN models. By formulating the low-rankness and robustness requirement within the same framework and globally determining the ranks, the compressed DNNs can simultaneously achieve high compression performance and strong adversarial robustness. Evaluations for various DNN models on different datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of CSTAR. Compared with the state-of-the-art robust structured pruning methods, CSTAR shows consistently better performance. For instance, when compressing ResNet-18 on CIFAR-10, CSTAR can achieve up to 20.07% and 11.91% improvement for benign accuracy and robust accuracy, respectively. For compressing ResNet-18 with 16x compression ratio on Imagenet, CSTAR can obtain 8.58% benign accuracy gain and 4.27% robust accuracy gain compared to the existing robust structured pruning method.
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As social media grows faster, harassment becomes more prevalent which leads to considered fake detection a fascinating field among researchers. The graph nature of data with the large number of nodes caused different obstacles including a considerable amount of unrelated features in matrices as high dispersion and imbalance classes in the dataset. To deal with these issues Auto-encoders and a combination of semi-supervised learning and the GAN algorithm which is called SGAN were used. This paper is deploying a smaller number of labels and applying SGAN as a classifier. The result of this test showed that the accuracy had reached 91\% in detecting fake accounts using only 100 labeled samples.
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Session-Based Recommenders (SBRs) aim to predict users' next preferences regard to their previous interactions in sessions while there is no historical information about them. Modern SBRs utilize deep neural networks to map users' current interest(s) during an ongoing session to a latent space so that their next preference can be predicted. Although state-of-art SBR models achieve satisfactory results, most focus on studying the sequence of events inside sessions while ignoring temporal details of those events. In this paper, we examine the potential of session temporal information in enhancing the performance of SBRs, conceivably by reflecting the momentary interests of anonymous users or their mindset shifts during sessions. We propose the STAR framework, which utilizes the time intervals between events within sessions to construct more informative representations for items and sessions. Our mechanism revises session representation by embedding time intervals without employing discretization. Empirical results on Yoochoose and Diginetica datasets show that the suggested method outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline models in Recall and MRR criteria.
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Distributing machine learning predictors enables the collection of large-scale datasets while leaving sensitive raw data at trustworthy sites. We show that locally training support vector machines (SVMs) and computing their averages leads to a learning technique that is scalable to a large number of users, satisfies differential privacy, and is applicable to non-trivial tasks, such as CIFAR-10. For a large number of participants, communication cost is one of the main challenges. We achieve a low communication cost by requiring only a single invocation of an efficient secure multiparty summation protocol. By relying on state-of-the-art feature extractors (SimCLR), we are able to utilize differentially private convex learners for non-trivial tasks such as CIFAR-10. Our experimental results illustrate that for $1{,}000$ users with $50$ data points each, our scheme outperforms state-of-the-art scalable distributed learning methods (differentially private federated learning, short DP-FL) while requiring around $500$ times fewer communication costs: For CIFAR-10, we achieve a classification accuracy of $79.7\,\%$ for an $\varepsilon = 0.59$ while DP-FL achieves $57.6\,\%$. More generally, we prove learnability properties for the average of such locally trained models: convergence and uniform stability. By only requiring strongly convex, smooth, and Lipschitz-continuous objective functions, locally trained via stochastic gradient descent (SGD), we achieve a strong utility-privacy tradeoff.
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由于NN模型的强大学习能力及其固有的高平行性,基于神经网络(NN)的方法已成为机器人运动计划的有吸引力的方法。尽管目前朝这个方向发展,但以直接和同时的方式对重要的顺序和空间信息的有效捕获和处理仍然相对较小。为了克服挑战并释放神经网络对运动计划任务的潜力,在本文中,我们提出了STP-NET,这是一个端到端的学习框架,可以充分提取并利用重要的时空信息来形成有效的神经信息运动计划者。通过将机器人的移动解释为视频剪辑,机器人运动计划被转换为视频预测任务,STP-NET可以在空间和时间上有效的方式执行。 STP-NET在不同的和看不见的环境之间进行了经验评估,表明,凭借近100%的准确性(又称成功率),STP-NET在计划速度和路径成本方面表现出非常有希望的性能。与现有的基于NN的运动计划者相比,STP-NET在2D随机森林,2D迷宫和3D随机森林环境中至少达到5倍,2.6倍和1.8倍的速度,速度较低。此外,STP-NET可以快速,同时计算多机手运动计划任务中的多个近乎最佳路径
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\ textit {约束路径发现}的经典问题是一个经过充分研究但充满挑战的主题,在各个领域,例如沟通和运输等各个领域的应用。权重限制了最短路径问题(WCSPP),作为仅具有一个侧面约束的约束路径查找的基本形式,旨在计划成本最佳路径,其权重/资源使用受到限制。鉴于问题的双标准性质(即处理路径的成本和权重),解决WCSPP的方法具有一些带有双目标搜索的共同属性。本文在约束路径查找和双目标搜索中利用了最新的基于A*的最新技术,并为WCSPP提供了两种精确的解决方案方法,两者都可以在非常大的图表上解决硬性问题实例。我们从经验上评估了算法在新的大型和现实的问题实例上的性能,并在时空指标中显示出它们比最新算法的优势。本文还调查了优先级队列在被a*的约束搜索中的重要性。我们通过对逼真的和随机图进行了广泛的实验来展示,基于桶的队列没有打破打盘的方式可以有效地改善详尽的双标准搜索的算法性能。
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在许多研究中已经表明,考虑相关股票数据预测股票价格变动的重要性,但是,用于建模,嵌入和分析相互关联股票行为的先进图形技术尚未被广泛利用,以预测股票价格变动。该领域的主要挑战是找到一种建模任意股票之间现有关系的方法,并利用这种模型来改善这些股票的预测绩效。该领域中的大多数现有方法都取决于基本的图形分析技术,预测能力有限,并且缺乏通用性和灵活性。在本文中,我们介绍了一个名为GCNET的新颖框架,该框架将任意股票之间的关系建模为称为“影响网络”的图形结构,并使用一组基于历史的预测模型来推断出股票子集的合理初始标签图中的节点。最后,GCNET使用图形卷积网络算法来分析此部分标记的图形,并预测图中每个库存的下一个运动价格方向。 GCNET是一个一般预测框架,可以根据其历史数据来预测相互作用股票的价格波动。我们对纳斯达克指数一组股票的实验和评估表明,GCNET在准确性和MCC测量方面显着提高了SOTA的性能。
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